In order to produce more food for an ever increasing population, raw materials for agro-industries and higher income for farming communities from the decreasing resources (land, water, animal and fisheries), it is necessary to develop existing agricultural production system into a more dynamic, market oriented and sustainable commercial sector by higher productivity and profitability through efficient natural resources management, irrigation expansion, agricultural intensification and diversification, mechanization, value addition and effective market linkages. To achieve these goals, GOB with the support of development partners such as the World Bank, IFAD and USAID aimed at boosting agricultural production through productivity enhancement, and increasing smallholders’ income. Accordingly, the National Agricultural Technology Project: Phase-I (NATP-1) was implemented during 2007-2014.Considering the noteworthy successes of NATP-1, the World Bank, jointly with IFAD and USAID, has considered providing financial support to the GOB for National Agricultural Technology Program-Phase II Project (NATP-2).
The proposed objective of NATP-2 is to increase agricultural productivity of smallholder farms through better research and extension services, and improve farmers’ income and livelihood through their stronger participation in commodity value chain and marketing. The project development objective will be achieved through capacity development for technology generation, investment in extension and improve market access and supporting with comprehensive grants program- the Agricultural Innovation Fund (AIF). AIF will feature three windows each addressing complementary strategic objectives pursued under NATP-2 with the implementation of a more holistic approach to agricultural technology.